TABOR W JAKA eta Txalekoak/FFCAM/FFCAM/Mujer2021-03-02T08:37:23+0000MujerTrekking Series
Etiketatu zure argazkiak #ternua erabiliz gure arropen galerian parte hartzeko.
Pertex® Quantum Air is engineered with increased air permeability to provide a balance between wind resistance and breathability. The more openly woven structure of Quantum Air fabrics allows airflow through the fabric, which helps to regulate your body heat and keep you comfortable for longer. This balance of air permeability and wind resistance means Pertex® Quantum Air fabrics are perfectly suited to intense mountain pursuits. A durable water repellent (DWR) finish sheds light rain and snow to provide additional weather protection. Higher air permeability, increased breathability and weather protection for intense activity.
Egitura isolatzaile oso barrubiguna, izerdiaren lurrunketa onaren bidez bero mantentzeko diseinatua, % 100 poliesterrez egindakoa. Teknologia berri honek gorputzaren tenperatura erregulatzen du jarduera oso bizietan. Oso transpiragarria. Beroa jardueran zehar eta pisu gutxikoa. Azkar lehortzen da. Arina eta trinkogarria. Erraz zaintzen da.