Neither wind nor rain will get the better of you with the men’s RACE jacket, a technical and highly functional garment in napped and bi-elastic Storm fleece fabric. Made from plastic bottles, you’ll be wearing sustainability like a coat. The jacket is very breathable, comfortable and warm, and its fabric is Bluesign approved. JKT M JACKETNeither wind nor rain will get the better of you with the men’s RACE jacket, a technical and highly functional garment in napped and bi-elastic Storm fleece fabric. Made from plastic bottles, you’ll be wearing sustainability like a coat. The jacket is very breathable, comfortable and warm, and its fabric is Bluesign approved. Privée/Summer Sales2023-08-28T08:50:06+0000HombreAdrenalite Serieschaqueta
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STORMFLEECE Pro technology offers an innovative fusion of Softshell and fleece, which makes for the ideal jacket/trousers for all seasons. The rugged, weather-resistant exterior actively repels rain and snow and blocks the wind, while the soft interior breathes well and keeps you dry.