
Solidary Alpinism
An imposing illness, a goal, a challenge, a commitment, a mountain, a fight and a path: WOPEAK. Mikel Rentería and Mentxu Mendieta gave life to the WOP foundation after their son was diagnosed with a very rare disease called adrenoleukodystrophy. At this time, a path began of hard work, effort, commitment and strength with the aim of allocating the profits from this activity to research in adrenoleukodystrophy.
In these values the WOPEAK project was undertaken, the gradual conquest of eight mountains, from thousand to thousand meters, starting with the Gorbea and finishing with an eight thousander. In 2014 the WOPeak Expedition with Alberto Iñurrategi, Juan Vallejo and Mikel Zabalza opened a route on the Southern side of Paiju Peak (6.610 m) and gave way to the movie “2t On Paiju Peak”, where the history of this ascent is mixed with the lives of Mikel and Mentxu, founders of WOP.
In 2015, the climbing group reached the peak of Chamlang, raising Wopeak's message one more step towards its destination: this project resulted in the movie “2T on Chamlang” :
A team project that understands mountaineering as a school on life where commitment, tenacity, effort, companionship, overcoming and emotion have the greatest expression. An excellent athletic project from values rooted in the mountain. Values and passion for the mountains that made Ternua join this impressive project. With them, we demonstrate that nothing is impossible if we try it, and work for it. Taking a step back to advance and surpass challenges.
And we do this with innovation, a path that we take hand in hand, working as a team, collaborating with people, actions and brands that believe in Ternua's values and protect everybody that has a summit to reach...and trusts in us to do so. Because only this way can we feel the true sensation of reaching the summit.
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